Welcome to Ganik Market Strategies LLC
Please note that the content on this website is from years prior to my work at SMB Capital.
Max Ganik
Senior Trader,
SMB Capital
University of Michigan
Ross School of Business
Prior to SMB Capital:
Founder and Writer,
Ganik Market Strategies LLC
Sales & Trading Summer Analyst
Morgan Stanley
Option Millionaires
Contributor, Instructor
Named #17th
“Top People in Finance to Follow on Twitter”
by TradeFollowers
Connect with Max Ganik
CNBC Fast Money Interviews with Melissa Lee
May 16, 2016:
Video Replay
Another awesome time at CNBC Fast Money, May 16, 2016
Left to right: Tim Seymour, Karen Finerman, Steve Grass, Max Ganik, Melissa Lee, Pete Najarian
March 6, 2014:
Video Replay
What an awesome time on CNBC Fast Money, March 6, 2014
Left to right: Dan Nathan, Tim Seymour, Max Ganik, Melissa Lee, Jon Najarian, Karen Finerman
View Max Ganik’s N.Y. Times interview on the Twitter stock, December 30, 2013:
“Rise in Twitter’s Stock Reflects Exuberance in Silicon Valley”
Scroll through slides below.