Jackson Hole

Posted August 31, 2012 19:20 This morning Mr. Ben Bernanke spoke about monetary policy. Even though he didn’t say that the Fed was going to announce ‘QE3’ during its September meeting, Mr. Bernanke, Chairman of the Federal Reserve, did give a clear enough signal (at...

Earnings Season

Posted July 20, 2012 16:34 This past week, earning season officially began. The market received positive news from JP Morgan Chase and Wells Fargo. JPM surprised the market with a much greater then expected EPS of $1.21 rather then the $.79 expected. The ‘London...

What a Week!

Posted June 24, 2012 10:20 Sunday night, the markets got some relief as the New Democracy Party won in Greece’s election. Because of this, the market was able to rally during the Monday trading session. Despite being dealt some positive news, traders were eying the...

Once The Housing Bubble Burst 2008

Posted June 10, 2012 18:27 In 2008, the economy endured one of its most catastrophic crashes since 1929 due to the housing bubble burst. This destructive housing bubble burst wiped out people’s investments and ruined many people’s lives. Many Americans went from...

Oversold Bounce?

Posted June 10, 2012 18:11 This past week, the market had a huge rally. It all started on Sunday night when the futures were down almost 100 points. But then came Monday morning and the futures were null. This was the first sign that the market was turning around. The...

May Jobs Report

Posted June 4, 2012 13:00 If you thought that the April jobs report was bad, then you are in for a real shock when you see that only 69,000 jobs were created in May. That isn’t a typo. This past month, the job market proved to us through the ADP Report (which measures...